Welcome to

With Mia Saenz and Lori Montry
The Greatest You Academy is the step-by-step method that powerfully connects you with your purpose, passion, and power to create the relationships, career, wealth, health, peace, and freedom to live authentically.
This course is the equivalent of a master's degree in the Greatest You!
We invite you to join our community of purpose-driven, inspired people who want to discover their Greatest Selves in order to live meaningfully and serve the world!
Welcome to

With Mia Saenz and Lori Montry
The Greatest You Academy is the step-by-step method that powerfully connects you with your purpose, passion, and power to create the relationships, career, wealth, health, peace, and freedom to live authentically.
This course is the equivalent of a master's degree in the Greatest You!
We invite you to join our community of purpose-driven, inspired people who want to discover their Greatest Selves in order to live meaningfully and serve the world!
Who is the Greatest You Academy for?
This incredible and comprehensive program is for "You" - the one who desires to change your Life Experience. With the right tools, guidance and support, you can up-level your awareness, health, thinking, and emotional mastery to become the vibrant individual who accomplishes what you want out of life. If you dream about it, then it is possible for the Greatest You.
You may be challenged with a myriad of health, emotional, confidence, or mindset challenges that are holding you back. In reality, nothing is holding you back and the Greatest You Academy can teach you the skills you need to succeed. This method is it tried, true, and proven. We have used it to support and change thousands of lives.

Why is Discovering "The Greatest You"
So Necessary?
Our Lives have been created and influenced both by the world we were born into, and those who were in our lives as youths. This is where our awareness and our opportunities for massive change comes into being. Our bodies, our hearts, our souls, our relationships, our world has been through incredible challenges over the last few years. This has left us with illness, extra weight, deregulated nervous systems, wounded hearts, dysfunctional relationships, pain, and feeling either worthless or totally confused.
Special pricing
for paid in Full
8 months / One payment.
Looking for
a Monthly Payment
2 x $2222
Billed twice.
Modules for
The Greatest You Course:
- The Greatest You Nervous System
- Working with Your Nervous System
- The Greatest You Thoughts
- Busting Through Limiting Beliefs
- Emotional Mastery
- Living in Elevated Emotions
- Tools of the Greatest You – Meditation and Visualization
- Creating the Relationships of the Greatest You
- The Greatest You Wellbeing
- Dream Believe Create The Greatest You Life – Part I
- Dream Believe Create The Greatest You Life – Part II
The person you will be on graduation day is your truest, healthiest, most radiant and capable self.
Program Inclusions
- Three 1-1 calls with transformational coaches Lori and Mia. These calls occur in the beginning of your journey, toward the middle and when you reach the seven-month mark. During your special sessions, you will get personalized guidance on the exact steps you can take to BREAKTHROUGH old patterns and powerfully step into your Greatest Life. (Value $600)
- Bi-weekly live group coaching meetings via Zoom where you will receive support and guidance from Mia and Lori. These meetings support your course work, allow you to build community and harness the power of the others as you learn from their experiences as well as your own. (Value $2,600)
- A comprehensive on-line curriculum featuring 12 online video modules to watch in between each group call. (Value $2,800)
- A full library of daily exercises to become the master of your nervous system. Through somatic experiencing and other tools, you will gain the knowledge and power to step out of survival mode and overwhelm and into calm aliveness These practices are the key to regulating your nervous system and learning to develop a loving relationship with self, your life and your world on all levels. (Value $497)
- Free admission to the August Greatest You Half Day Retreat – The Self Love that Loves You Back (Value $349)
- Worksheets and assignments to help you integrate the material as you learn it. (Value $1,200)
- Free access to our Ready for Love course. This course is an absolute must for anyone wanting to create connected, soul-led, divine relationships. (Value $579)
- Free access to our recorded Parts Work Retreat which is an intensive training on one of our most powerful teaching tools. You will see this tool being used live with real Greatest You Academy Members. This training will allow you to add parts work to your tool box of transformation skills. (Value $250)
- Preferred access and special pricing to workshops offered by Mia and Lori during the time you are a student at the Greatest You Academy. (Value varies depending on student).
Meet Your Instructors

Lori Montry
Lori is a transformational coach that walks her talk and is passionate about helping women in all areas of life especially the following:
Building a free and nourishing relationship with food and body;
Working deeply with the nervous system to overcome the emotional and physical effects of trauma and stress;
Creating a life of authenticity, purpose and joy.
Lori is a certified Nuuaria Method Instructor and holds certifications in the Biology of Trauma, Inner Parts Work and Somatic Experiencing. Her tool box is enormous when it comes to giving women practical methods that are gentle and effective.
Lori has been a contributing author for two recent book projects Rise – Transforming Trauma and Love Revolution – Making Miracles. She is also working on her own book to be published in 2023.
She has been a featured speaker for: The Biology of Trauma classroom, The Self-Love Revolution classroom, Pick Up It’s God Calling Podcast, Delicious for Life group, Rise Summit – Transforming Trauma and the Achieving Tranquility Summit and much more.
Lori is also the host of the Nourishing Woman Podcast where she and her monthly guests discuss topics that nourish women – body, mind and soul. Her Youtube channel Nourishing Weightloss features weekly videos on topics related feminine freedom and living a life of authenticity.

Mia Saenz
Mia Saenz is a Love Activist and the creator of Women Making Miracles™. She stands for love and supports you do the same.
Mia helps those who feel alone and yet dream of love to Make Love Real™ in their lives so they can then go out and seed love into the world.
This powerful work is through spiritual and inter-personal development work we call Self-Love.
Mia has taught the Love Mastery program for 15 years. Love Master is for individual 1:1 Vip Coaching, Groups, and Coach's Certification Program.

Copyright © 2024 The Greatest You Academy