Stop sabotaging your desire to find real, lasting love and unlock your future relationship now!
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
– Dr. Seuss
During this in-depth Masterclass, you’ll learn how to make love and relationship a reality in your life.
Join us, Tuesday March 28th
at 11:00 am PST.

Mia Saenz and Lori Montry
Transformational coaches and Co-Founders of The Greatest You Academy and The Ready for Love
During the Masterclass, You'll Discover the Three Most Common Blocks to Finding Love and What You Can Do to Break Through Them:
Clarity About Who You Are, What You Want and Where You’re Going
When we start out on a journey, we need to know where we’re going. If you were to say to yourself, “I want to go somewhere,” got in your car and started the engine but you didn’t know where you were going, what would that be like? It would be frustrating, unfulfilling, and boring just sitting there in your car. Pretty soon you’d begin to doubt if you could get anywhere at all.
That’s why it is imperative to get clear on who you are, what you want in a partner, what you want in a relationship. You need to create the map for the exact destination you want.
Living from Your Fears Instead of Your Truths
It’s easy to get stuck in limiting beliefs and fears. Fear thoughts create your perception of yourself, others and the world. Do you think any of the following?
- I’m too old
- I’ll get hurt again
- No good guys left
- I’ll lose myself
- I don’t have time/energy
- I’m not worthy
These limited beliefs are one of the most powerful blocks to finding love. Thoughts like this can be shifted and changed and when they are, you get to live from the truth of who you actually are: a divine individual worthy of a divine connection.
Operating from a Story of Impossibility
As humans we tend to focus almost exclusively on what is right in front of us. We only believe in what we can see, feel, touch and experience. Our brains tell us this is the only thing available to us.
We get busy dealing with whatever is going on in our immediate world and then we simply create more of the same and our dreams feel further and further away.
Calling in great big, powerful love into your existence means believing that it is possible.
Learn more about these blocks and how you can overcome them in the Top Three Blocks to Love Free Masterclass.
March 28th at 11:00 am PST.
You deserve to share your love and your life with someone who is as truly glorious as you are. We can show you how to set yourself up for dating success!
Join Mia and Lori for The Top Three Blocks to Finding Love March 28th at 11:00 am PST to learn how to get unstuck and create the love and relationship you want and deserve!
We have decades of experience in unlocking the exact blocks that are keeping you single.
Save your spot to learn who you really are and create the real, lasting, soul thrilling love you are meant for.
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