We are so excited you will be joining us for the amazing event. This Self-Love Challenge you are being sent by email the second edition of Mirror-Mirror, A Step-By-Step Guide to a Life that Loves You Back!
This book is being rewritten into a larger book sold online. This shortened guide will always remain available to you.
Make you share this amazing experience with a friend if not several. Anyone who has 5 friends joining them is eligible for a free 45-minute session with me, Mia Saenz. Simply share the website link, www.IAmSelfLoveChallenge.com, and then write me at [email protected] and let me know your people and their email that they signed up on and we will book it.
See you soon and let's get into the processes and the tools of Self-Love. The most amazing journey of our lives.
Mia Saenz.