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Panel Experts

Jennifer Ludington
Jen Ludington is a wife, mom of three teenagers, a Yorkie dog mom, fitness and outdoor adventure enthusiast and Mind Ascension Business Coach.
A highly sought-after speaker and #1 best-selling author, podcaster, real estate investor and thought leader Jen has owned and operated her own elite fitness and yoga studios and created and sold her own successful nutrition bar company.
Now she is best known for her ability to support women in overcoming their self-limiting beliefs, and becoming the “JENerator” of their own value-centered lives while turning their vision and mission into monetizing machines for the highest good. Jen has helped thousands of women create quantum leaps and massive abundance in their personal, professional and spiritual lives.
Jen isn’t a fan of the buzzword “passion.” Instead, she believes in building a life lived on purpose, using your core personal values as the vehicle to your vision so you can ascend into the highest version of yourself.
Jen also believes that ALL women get to ASCEND together, regardless of their past, adversities, stigmas, social status, or any other cultural expectation intended to keep us separate.
To learn more about Jennifer, visit

Megan McCann
Megan McCann is a #1 Amazon best-selling author, speaker, intuitive business coach, & the Founder of Soul Success®, a global leadership brand designed for female leaders ready to scale by tapping into their intuitive abilities. Meg is the also the host of the Soul Ascend Podcast and holds a Bachelors in Sociology, Masters in Counseling, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, and in 2011 made it to the top 2% of a multi-billion dollar nutrition company, a 7 figure business. She currently works with entrepreneurs, philanthropists, intuitive healers, speakers, authors, and other creative's, and give them the tools to scale their business while activating their intuitive abilities. Her podcast, events, coaching, and online courses give current and future change-makers the tools to manifest and scale. She lives in Sun Valley, ID with her two daughters Mykala and Galena, and her husband Luc.
To learn more about Megan, visit

Gladys Diaz
Gladys Diaz is a dating and relationship coach, author, and speaker whose mission is to empower every woman on the planet to have experience of loving and being loved every day of her life.
Recently named among Yahoo Finance’s Top 10 Love Coaches together with her twin sister, Michelle (a.k.a. the Love Twins), Gladys specializes in working with professional women, teaching them how to remove the Love Barriers that have kept them stuck in the past so that they can welcome and experience new and extraordinary love into their lives.
An internationally sought-out expert and speaker, Gladys has appeared on numerous international television and radio shows and has been featured as an expert in several publications.
Her inspiring message about how women have the power to create the life and love their hearts truly desire has helped empower women around the world to transform themselves and their lives from the inside out.
As part of her global mission to transform the world one heart at a time, Gladys also coaches relationship coaches around the world how to create a successful heart-centered business that enables them to help other women attract and create a prosperous career doing what they love.
To learn more about Gladys and Heart’s Desire International, visit:

Patty Alfonso
Patty Alfonso is The Orgasmic Body Whisperer. A Master Facilitator, Renowned Coach and Bestselling Author. Patty is a sought-after motivational speaker, writer and teacher across the globe. Patty has spoken in front of royalty, government officials, thought leaders and influencers around the world. Her Pole Dancing for Consciousness™ and Orgasmic Body Love Experience™ methods are a cutting-edge approach that transforms the lives of her clients, helping them move beyond pain and limitation by accessing the amazing power of the body to heal itself.
Patty is the author of the #1 International Best-Selling books: Your Body as the Creation of Consciousness and Dancing as the Body of Consciousness. She hosts the weekly TV show Orgasmic Living where she helps listeners to unlock the innate brilliance of their bodies as well as to embrace living orgasmically.
To learn more about Patty, visit:

Kate Houston
Kate Houston supports women who are successful in business yet anxious in love slay the love barriers keeping them single - so they may create a lifetime of love, freedom and intimacy with an amazing partner without frustration or fear and see how their businesses also will flourish because of it. She does this using her Five Empowered Love Principles and Methods, and her Courageous and Free Dating Principles through one on one and group coaching programs as well as retreats around the world so women authentically embody being empowered in love and life. Helping women create the deeply connected relationships they've always dreamed of is what Kate does. Teaching them how to have courageous conversations with themselves and then others to create freedom and intimacy for a lifetime is who she is.
To learn more about Kate, visit:

Christine Miskinis
Christine Miskinis is a Voice Coach who focuses on teaching women how to tune-in to their inner voice to express their Authentic Voice in their lives. She is the owner and founder of Rock it Out Woman.
Christine’s story began with healing her own voice when she found out at age 24 that she had pre-cancerous cells growing from her stomach up into her esophagus from a lifetime of digestive issues. She believes this was a direct result of not listening to her intuition, pushing her way through life and silencing her own Voice in trying to be a successful woman. It wasn't until that moment in the Doctor's office that she realized no one was going to “save” her, there was no magic “pill” to fix her, and that she was responsible for her life - Body, Mind and Spirit.
In fact, she recalls everything around her going completely silent as she heard her inner voice say, "Go and allow your body to Heal.” Trusting her inner voice, she left the office unafraid and within a few days the perfect mentor showed up to support her in her healing process. The more her physical body healed, the greater her VOICE inside became. In just 6 months, her body was healed. From there, Christine went on to discover many more truths of the world and was ignited with passion for her newly discovered purpose to support other women in Tuning-In to their own Inner-Voice for the guidance needed to transform their lives.
As she began sharing her story, she quickly became noticed in the Coaching industry and soon others were asking her to tell her story of healing to their audiences. Christine has been seen multiple times on National Television (Dr. Oz), FOX5 NY and Christine hosted her first LIVE Event in 2017 called “Rock your VOICE, Woman LIVE” in NYC with keynote speaker, Marianne Williamson!
You can learn more about Christine at, follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Denise Kavaliauskas
Denise Kavaliauskas is a Transformational Love Coach, Speaker & International Best Selling author.
She is a survivor & THRIVER of narcissistic abuse.
Denise is the founder of Life after Narcissism CSW Coaching, a global resource for victims of emotional abuse that offers support and coaching to women who are READY to break ties with narcissistic abuse in past relationships.
As a survivor of trauma in narcissistic abuse, Denise uses her real- life experience as a way to connect with others and teach, love & support them in their healing journey.
Denise's mission statement is "to enhance the lives of survivors of abuse. Through the four core pillars of healing, we empower women to heal the trauma and awaken their true potential to create an extraordinary LIFE AFTER NARCISSISM.”
She has a clear vision for seeing the spots that exist in every “stuck” situation. And the creativity to transform it.
Denise has managed to come out of her own 22- year toxic relationship with a smiling face and a positive attitude.
And now shows other women (just like you) how to do the same for themselves.
To learn more about Denise, visit:

Amy Turner
Amy Turner is known as the "No BS Sweetheart" and most recently her clients are referring to her as "Amy A-Ha Turner" because when you are around Amy, you just get A'ha after A'ha. Amy has a lot of credentials, she's a licensed marriage and family therapist, a licensed advanced alcohol and drug counselor, a certified hypnotherapist…blah blah blah. She is no BS and knows you don't really care about her credentials, what really matters is if you are going to get the result you are after. Well she loves getting her clients the results they want but she mostly loves how quickly she can do it. Want to find out yourself?
Here she is… Amy "A-HA" Turner
To learn more about Amy, visit:

Krisha Young
Mind UnFucker & Spiritual Coach. Krisha teaches powerful business women how to have healthy relationships, starting with themselves. Her specialty is Pattern Release Coaching for high-performing women wanting to redefine feminine leadership and be their true selves living in full color.
Krisha has devoted her life to helping women feel free, be at ease with themselves, break all the negative patterns and feel sexier inside and out.
In addition to being an entrepreneur, coach, serial podcaster, sales expert, published author and mom of two boys, Krisha speaks a unique language of transformation developed through years of deep study and synthesizing modalities including Human Design, Holistic Nutrition, Somatic Practices, Tantra and Kundalini.
Krisha does not play small, and she will share with you what YOUR unique gifts are and how you can best use and develop them to have the relationship and life of your dreams.
To learn more about Krisha, visit:

Mia Saenz
Mia Saenz is a Love Activist and the creator of Women Making Miracles™. She stands for love and supports you do the same. Mia helps those who feel alone and yet dream of love to Make Love Real™ in their lives so they can then go out and seed love into the world. This powerful work is through spiritual and inter-personal development work we call Self-Love. Mia has taught the Love Mastery program for 12 years. Love Master is for individual 1:1 Vip Coaching, Groups, and Coach's Certification Program. Mia and Lori Montry's Mastermind is Feminine Freedom A Year of Healing.
Mia helps you develop yourself, develop your miracle, and finally, develop your world. As a clairvoyant, Mia also helps you tune into Love's promise for your life and your work.
Through her work as a Love Teacher & Coach, Mia has discovered the depth of Love on all levels. Working through Love opens the connection so that all of life's purposes flow, which includes Love, Money and Abundance. Mia is also a media host, and is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BellaMia magazine a transformational & holistic living well magazine.
To learn more about Mia, visit:

Lori Montry
Lori is a Trauma-Informed Eating Psychology Coach who works with women to understand WHY they have unwanted patterns with food.
Using the latest research in neuroscience, she helps people build emotional resiliency, shift their mindset, and build the effective habits that bring permanent weight loss without restrictive dieting.
Rather than giving another meal plan, she helps people see why they know what to do but just aren’t doing it.
To learn more about Lori, visit:
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