Unlocking the Relationship You’ve Been Longing for
We know who you are. You are a passionate, loving, glorious soul that wants to be deeply connected with yourself AND share life with a partner that gets you, that has your back, that supports you, that wants to bear witness to the being that you are.
You want to share experiences, make beautiful memories and hold space for the greatest gift that the Divine offers to humankind – You’re here because you want LOVE.
The truth is that you are love and love is all around you.
Your lived experiences and the messages you’ve received and internalized have created barriers to living fully within that love and manifesting your love relationship both with yourself and with your soulmate partner.
Becoming aware of those barriers and learning to bust through them is a beautiful opportunity of growth that exists for all of us. As we work through what stands in our way, our search for love allows us to return to who we really are because unless we are willing to claim that wholeness, love will continue to be elusive.
You deserve to share your love and your life with someone who is as truly glorious as you are. We can show you how to set yourself up for dating success!
Our 4 Week Intensive Program – Ready for a Divine Love Connection gives you all the necessary education, action steps and support to make big, beautiful love a reality in your life.
- As a student of Ready for a Divine Love Connection, you receive live training/coaching sessions where we guide you through the step-by-step process to understand why love has been illusive and how you can prepare yourself for the loving, lasting, soul thrilling partner you truly want.
These sessions are fully recorded and you have lifetime access to these recordings so you can watch as many times as you like.
- In addition, you have an in-depth integration workbook which allows you to actually implement the information you’re learning into your day-to-day life. The workbook allows you to dive deep into the change process so that at the end of the course, you haven’t only acquired knowledge, you have actually transformed.
- Also included is access to a Ready for a Divine Love Connection Exclusive Facebook Group where you can connect with others and Mia and Lori on a consistent basis.
- You will also receive weekly meditations that help you absorb the main concept for the week and build the new neuropathways that will help you get what you want!
These four weeks is where you will get the strong foundation for getting ready to bring love into your life and the actual steps for getting started. You’ll also have more support options to see you through the entire finding love journey.
This is your life we’re talking about. Your relationship, your partner, the one you will grow old with. This is important stuff so we’re going to make sure you have support the whole way through.
Love isn’t finding someone to live with.
It’s finding someone you can’t live without.”
-Al E. Gater
More people are single that ever before and most of them feel stuck when it comes to finding love.
They wonder, “What’s wrong with me.”
You simply need to channel your efforts and your energy into the exact steps that will align you with your most authentic and magnetic self.
Come learn the skills that will take you from lonely to connected.
Here’s how the course is broken down by weeks:
Week 1
Getting to Know You – Making a Map
"Do not chase people. Work hard and be you. the right people who belong in your life will come find you and stay. Do your thing."
— Doris Shutt
Who are you?
What are your values, your strengths, your superpowers?
What do you want out of life?
What do you want in a relationship?
What do you want in a partner?
This is not just a list of questions, it involves stripping away the layers of should and ought tos so that you can get to the truth and the essence of who you are and what you want. It is only from this place of authenticity that you can create a strong, healthy relationship.
You also learn about how to be the source of your own worth, validation, security and anything else you may be looking to another person to give to you.
Week 2
Preparing Your Mind, Heart and Your Physical Space
Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
— Rumi
We can’t welcome someone into our lives unless we have prepared a space for them. That means cleaning out the fears, limited beliefs, old triggers, and story-telling.
Many people are trying to create a relationship even though they fear being hurt, being vulnerable or losing their independence.
Truly preparing your mind, your heart, your body, your energy, your calendar, your physical space and everything else is essential to magnetizing your love.
In this week’s content, you will also learn how to own your confidence and beauty, (and yes, every single one of you is beautiful).
You’ll also learn how to prepare your energetic vibration to eliminate the resistance that is keeping your love from showing up.
At the end of week two, you have the skills to powerfully prepare yourself for a divine love connection with someone who is worthy of your love!
Week 3
Getting Out There
"One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else."
— Chester Minnit
As you start to feel ready, how do you go about getting out there? It’s a whole new dating world and evolving every minute. Rather than just fumbling around in the dark, you need some support and guidance.
In week 3, we will guide you through some of the most important steps and tips to be as successful as possible in connecting with people who are good matches with you.
The process can be daunting, scary and exhausting. That’s why we are going to guide you through it and support you in being both authentic and magnetic.
We also want to make sure you feel and are safe and what are the red flags you should be looking for.
We cover topics such as building a dating profile, what kind of protocols for talking, meeting, getting physical etc. would be important for you and consistent with your values. How to ask and answer questions in the best way to get to know someone.
It’s better to be thinking about these things ahead of time rather than from moment to moment.
Week 4
Staying in the Game
“Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it.”
— Robert Mitchum
Once you get up and running, the fun and opportunity for growth really begins. As you start to have experiences, you’ll undoubtedly run up against triggers such as rejection, uncomfortable interactions, times when you want to abandon ship - but all of these situations are actually an opportunity for tremendous growth and refinement of exactly what you want for your love life.
When you expect them and more importantly, know how to handle them in a way that feels authentic and empowered, they don’t throw you off course. That’s what week 4 is all about.
We also help you understand how you’ll be able to stay connected to yourself while being with another. Staying connected to your higher self and in your power will help your mate picker function properly and let you enjoy the experience of getting to know people.
Another awesome topic covered in Week 4 is important aspects of the dating experience that you need to know from the point of view of the opposite sex. If you understand more on what the other person is experiencing and how they may be interpreting your actions, you’ll be able to interact in a way that is most productive while still being authentic.
Over the 4 weeks, you will clearly see how the process of finding love can be demystified and how it can lead to a more beautiful relationship with yourself as well as with another divine soul.
By applying our teaching style and the tools and methods that we use to get results in every area of life, we have been able to teach hundreds how to intimately connect with themselves, remove the mental and emotional barriers to love, heal old wounds and create the divinely connected love relationship that they want. Love is possible for you when you step into your truth and allow your partner to find you!
This course is for you if . . .
- You’ve been at the dating game for a while and haven’t found what you’re looking for.
- You want a loving, lasting, soul thrilling relationship but you don’t even know where to start.
- You lack confidence in dating.
- You feel like you don’t have the time or energy to devote to finding a mate.
- You feel nervous about what the other person is thinking of you.
- You want love but are afraid to let anyone in.
- You don’t know what the heck you want but have a sense that it isn’t where you are right now!
Maybe you have had a lot of disappointments in this area of your life and you’ve closed your heart for now;
Maybe you have been single for a while and really don’t know how or where to start in this changed dating landscape;
Maybe you have some real fears around opening your heart to another person or you don’t feel like you have the time and energy to put into the search for a partner.
But, underneath it all, you know you want to create the soul-led, connected, heart thrilling relationship. We know that you deserve this and we want to fast track your results so that you can get on living your life with your fabulous partner.
Meet Your Instructors
Mia Saenz and Lori Montry
Transformational coaches and Co-Founders of The Greatest You Academy and Ready for a Divine Love Connection

Mia Saenz
Mia Saenz is a Love Activist and the creator of Women Making Miracles™. She stands for love and supports you do the same. Mia helps those who feel alone and yet dream of love to Make Love Real™ in their lives so they can then go out and seed love into the world.
Mia helps you develop yourself, develop your miracle, and finally, develop your world. As a clairvoyant, Mia also helps you tune into Love's promise for your life and your work.
Through her work as a Love Teacher & Coach, Mia has discovered the depth of Love on all levels. Working through Love opens the connection so that all of life's purposes flow, which includes Love, Money and Abundance.
Lori Montry
Lori is trained as a Nuuaria Method Instructor, somatic practitioner, trauma informed eating psychology coach and co-founder of the Greatest You Academy. She guides women powerfully on their path to self-actualization and authenticity by showing them how to overcome the blocks and self-imposed limitations that hold them back in all areas of life. She stands side-by-side with her clients as they build a strong foundation built on self-love and empowerment.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the foundational skills for building a Divine Connection now!
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